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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Green your heart, for your earth

Green your heart for your earth



"Green"は自然の色です。地球の自然を守るには、私たちの"heart"が必要です。つまり"Green your heart"とは私たちが環境にやさしい暮らし方を考え、実行するための最初の一歩になります。

あなたが"Green heart"を意識したとき、生活はエコに一歩近づきます。エコにはお金や時間を必要としません。日課を少し変えるだけで、大きな変化が生じるでしょう。消費は抑え、できる限りリユース・リサイクルをしましょう。電気はまめにoffにして、水は無駄遣いしないように心掛けましょう。買い物をする時はエコバックを持参し、移動はバス・電車や自転車を利用しましょう。そして友人や家族に"Green heart"を広めましょう。

Earth is precious for us. On the earth we and our families live, breathe, walk, make friends, work and do many things to fill our lives with meaning. Every part of this earth is precious. The river, the sea, the mountain, the forest, the soil and even every little creature in it is a valuable treasure. We are part of the earth and it is part of us.

Unfortunately, the condition of our earth seemed to be worsened day by day. More trees have been cut, more animals can’t live safely, more rivers, ground waters and seas have been polluted, in many places the air is not clean anymore. We can no longer enjoy many things in life on this earth as the stories of our grandfather lulled us.

Green is the color of the nature. To maintain our earth on its own natural way, your heart must be included. Green your heart is a preliminary step for thinking and acting in environmental friendly way of life.

When you start from your heart, it is only a few of steps away to green up your life. Going green doesn’t have to require a ton of money or time. Simple changes to your daily routine can make all the difference. For instance, buy only what you need, reuse and recycle everything you can, use the electricity properly, count every drop of water, bring your own eco-bag when shopping, use public transportation or bike and ask your family and friends to green their heart for our earth.

学生環境サークル「エコファイターズ」は、学園祭でのデポジット食器貸し出し、紙パック回収、環境セミナーの企画や学生交流などの活動を行っています。今年度は留学生もメンバーに加わり、不要品のリユース掲示板を立ち上げます。August, 2009 Ecofighters, Yamaguchi University

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